Methods for Recovery After Tummy Tuck Procedure

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Tummy tucks, called abdominoplasty surgery, are performed to remove extra skin from the abdomen to improve the area’s appearance. A tummy tuck helps to achieve a more visually pleasing, smaller overall appearance by tightening and reshaping the abdominal region. You can drastically enhance how clothing fits and looks by getting your core flatter and firmer, making you feel more at ease and secure in your body.

The surgery corrects a protruding belly and leaves the abdomen flatter and more toned by tightening the abdominal muscles and removing extra, sagging skin. It is a fairly typical surgery for women who have experienced rapid weight gain or pregnancy. During weight gain, the muscles that make up the abdominal wall stretch apart. 

Types of Tummy Tucks

Tummy Tuck

There are three different types of abdominoplasty, one of which may be the best for you.

Mini Abdominal Surgery

Patients who want a modest amount of fatty tissue or extra skin removed from the lower abdomen might consider a minor abdominoplasty. A minor tummy tuck is the best option when a person has attained their target weight and body shape but still has a slight protrusion below the belly button. The surgeon removes the navel without making a larger incision with little scars. Comparing this process to the conventional approach, it is less intrusive yet still provides outstanding outcomes.

Traditional Surgery

When you think of a “tummy tuck,” you probably picture a conventional abdominoplasty. Traditional tummy tucks include removing extra skin and tissue from the abdomen and restoring abdominal muscles stretched out by pregnancy or weight fluctuations. Liposuction may be coupled with a standard stomach tuck.

Extended Surgery

If you’ve lost a lot of weight, having an extended abdominoplasty is a terrific option. This abdominoplasty requires a longer incision that extends to the back of the hips and covers the entire stomach width. Muscles in the back, flanks, and abdomen are developed and toned. An extended abdominoplasty involves the removal of extra skin and tissue from the back, hips, thighs, and abdomen. This extended option is for patients who need significant skin or fatty tissue removal from the love handle areas. Patients undergoing extended abdominoplasty frequently have outstanding results.

Advantages of a Tummy tuck

Tummy tuck

AZ Plastic Surgery in Lahore has many different ways to help you get the look you want through cosmetic surgery. There are many reasons why you might have too much fat, skin that doesn’t stretch well, or weak connective tissue in your stomach. With cosmetic surgery, you can get a tummy tuck treatment that can restore a weakened core, strengthen abdominal muscles, and improve overall flexibility.

Enhanced Appearance

A tummy tuck can be the answer you’ve been looking for if you’re unhappy with how your stomach appears after significant weight reduction. Tummy tuck surgery drastically changes how your belly looks by sculpting the body form to a more appealing appearance. After surgery, many people are ecstatic to find their stomachs flatter and tighter than ever imagined for their size and shape. Most people cite this as the main reason for getting a belly tuck.

Eliminates a Ventral Hernia

A noticeable protrusion under the skin in your abdomen is called a ventral hernia. A ventral hernia may occur if your abdominal muscles are weak following a C-section birth or significant weight loss. The hernia may result if the intestine or abdominal tissue pierces the weak abdominal wall. During a tummy tuck, this is fixed, returning to a flatter stomach.

To Lessen Back Pain

Women who have just given birth or had a major weight reduction may have back discomfort due to weak abdominal muscles. Abdominoplasty is a frequent procedure that may also help with this issue. A tummy tuck flattens the belly and surgically tightens the weakening muscles, providing the necessary abdominal stability that may relieve your back discomfort.

Improve Posture

Stronger abdominal muscles and less back discomfort are side effects that lead to better posture. Your posture may improve due to the tightened muscles supporting your spine more after a tummy tuck treatment.

Aftercare and Recovery From a Tummy Tuck Surgery

Tummy tuck surgery

After a tummy tuck, healing time frames may vary from person to person. Complete recovery frequently takes three months, if not longer. Though most of the healing process occurs during the first few weeks, it is still important to put off major endeavours, physically demanding activities, and stressful job conditions until you fully recover.

Avoid Physically Demanding Activities

physical activities

Even if you feel fine after surgery, go easy on yourself. While it is important to keep moving to promote healing, you should also refrain from strenuous activity for several weeks following surgery. You must refrain from lifting more than 10 pounds for around six weeks. Overdoing it could lead you to fall behind, swell, and experience unbearable pain.

Ask For Help

Ask for help

You will suffer pain and a restricted range of motion following a tummy tuck. During the first week, you will require assistance standing up, sitting down, and even going to the bathroom. You should bring someone who can help with household duties and responsibilities.

Cleanse the Wounds

Cleanse the Wounds

After a tummy tuck, keep the wounds as clean and dry as possible to encourage a quick recovery. Use a delicate towel dampened with water and very mild soap to clean the skin surrounding the wound. It would help if you kept the wound dry for approximately a week because getting it wet could make it softer and cause it to open. 

Wear a Compression Garment

A tummy tuck is a successful body-sculpting procedure. Recovery from abdominoplasty can be a laborious and drawn-out process. The process will go more smoothly if patients dress in loose, comfortable attire. You must always wear a compression garment for the first six weeks following your tummy tuck recovery phase, even while you sleep. Nonetheless, it is a method for reducing oedema and inflammation while providing support.

Get Plenty of Rest

Get Plenty of Rest

Rest is essential during the healing process following tummy tucks because that is when your body will heal the fastest. Your body will continue to experience the effects of the anaesthesia, which could contribute to sleepiness and general exhaustion after the procedure. Therefore, if you feel yourself beginning to tire, give in to your body and get some rest.

Drink a Lot of Water and Eat Protein-rich Foods

Patients should take meals that are high in protein. Protein-rich foods provide you with plenty of energy throughout the day. Appropriate protein intake is also essential for the recovery process. Patients must remember to consume adequate water after getting a tummy tuck. It promotes the body’s detoxification while reducing swelling. Patients should drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily.

Quit Smoking

quit smoking

Quit smoking at least one month before tummy tuck surgery, and refrain from resuming the habit for several additional weeks after treatment. The chemicals in cigarette smoke may hinder recovery, raise the risk of infection, and potentially exacerbate postoperative pain, among other problems. Nicotine causes blood clots by tightening your blood vessels and works against you. The recommended time for quitting smoking is four to six weeks before treatment, which is enough time to lessen the negative effects smoking has on recovery. 


What is the quickest method to recover after a tummy tuck?

The first of five essential tummy tuck recovery suggestions is 

  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet.
  • Begin moving forward.
  • Alternate positions while you’re sleeping.
  • Wear the proper compression clothing.
  • Stay hydrated.

What should I avoid doing after a tummy tuck?

Getting up and moving about the room every hour may help avoid blood clots. For many weeks, you won’t be able to lift weights, carry children, or do crunches. Stay away from strenuous activity, heavy lifting, and extended standing for the first week.

How long does a tummy tuck heal internally?

Eight weeks should be enough time for a full recovery, although the benefits may not appear immediately. Bruising and swelling go away within this period, although complete midline slimming may need a few more months.

How should I sleep after having my tummy tucked?

After a belly tuck, lying on your back with your upper body raised to form a little bend or angle is the ideal sleeping posture. To reach this posture, using cushions or resting in a chair is recommended.

How long does it take for a tummy tuck to heal internally?

Eight weeks should be enough time for a full recovery, although the benefits may not appear immediately. Bruising and swelling go away within this period, although complete midline slimming may need a few more months.


Numerous aspects need to be taken into account while recovering from a tummy tuck, yet everything is achievable and reasonable. You must consider and prepare for every aspect of this healing process, including time. Keep your focus on growing healthy daily to attain your goal of full recovery. Be sure to ask your surgeon any questions or address any concerns you may have. 

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Dr Zain ul Abidin

Dr. Zain ul Abidin and his team of skilled and compassionate specialists offer superb plastic surgery services that are customised for each patient. They have received Membership awards from the most prestigious professional organizations within and outside Pakistan.