4 Plastic Surgeries That Contribute to Weight Loss

Plastic Surgeries That Contribute To Weight Loss

Everybody wants to look and feel their best. However, even if you maintain a healthy diet and exercise frequently, you may still have trouble spots where no activity will reduce fat or tighten sagging skin.

A variety of surgical procedures for plastic surgery can remove or reduce excess fat and skin. Excess skin removal procedures benefit patients who have lost weight through bariatric surgery (also known as weight reduction surgery) or by changing their lifestyle.

The most common procedures that help weight loss include:

1. Liposuction

Liposuction is a reliable way to lose weight. It is a method of treating obesity. People with Liposuction typically have a steady body weight but want to eliminate unwanted body fat deposits in particular areas.

Liposuction alters the structure of the body by permanently removing fat cells. It is appropriate for those who want to alter and improve their body shape. However, there is a chance that the residual fat cells will enlarge if the patient does not maintain a healthy lifestyle following the procedure.

2. Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is frequently performed as part of body lift surgery. Your physician will make a significant cut around the naval, which runs from the hipbone, to restore strength to the abdominal muscles. A tummy tuck may be necessary when diet, exercise, and weight loss are insufficient to flatten the stomach.

Even while you will have scars, they will eventually start to vanish. The surgeon might occasionally perform a second cut to eliminate extra skin in the upper abdomen. Your surgeon may also slightly reposition your belly button to accommodate your new shape. The outcome will be a firmer, flatter abdomen that complements a leaner body.

3. CoolSculpting

Cryolipolysis, known as fat freezing or CoolSculpting, is a noninvasive fat-removal technique. It provides a noninvasive method to eliminate fat bulges that won’t go away even after you’ve tried dieting and exercising.

Fat cells start to freeze, degrade, and eventually die at 4 degrees Celsius before the body naturally removes them. Doctors utilise a handheld gadget to hold and cool specific subcutaneous fat deposits. Localised pockets of fat on the back, waist or other body parts are treated with CoolSculpting.

Results from CoolSculpting take time to become apparent. Within two to three weeks, you’ll notice a difference as your body eliminates broken-down fat cells. Some transient numbness, redness, and oedema in the treated areas are possible. Results last as long as you maintain a balanced diet and regular exercise to prevent weight gain.

4. Body Lift

A body lift is an invasive cosmetic surgery that targets the thighs to remove extra skin and fat. Suppose your exercise and weight-loss attempts have yet to let you accomplish your objectives for a figure that is firmer, more youthful-looking, and much better balanced with your overall physical image. A surgical lift may be the best solution for you.

In that case, with a lot of loose, hanging skin on their legs and trunk in various places. Its objective is to restore the body’s look to a more normal state following the loss of skin elasticity brought on by drastic weight loss or ageing-related changes.

The surgeon can remove an “apron” of extra skin and fat by making many incisions all over the body. The surgeon can then realign and tighten tissues and skin as a result.

Who is and isn’t a good candidate for Plastic Surgery?

Patients must be generally healthy to have surgery performed successfully. Some patients with common medical conditions may not be admitted. These issues include the following:

  • Smoking:

Patients who smoked a month before surgery won’t be eligible for shape-altering operations. The risk of problems both before and after the procedure is increased by smoking. Check out our program for quitting smoking right away.

  • Heart problems:

Patients with irregular blood coagulation or who suffer from high blood pressure may be more susceptible to excessive bleeding or other cardiovascular issues.

  • Uncontrolled diabetes:

Diabetic patients may heal more slowly and are more likely to contract infections.


Can plastic surgery make you lose weight?

Weight loss surgery is not plastic surgery. It is intended to target problem areas that neither diet nor exercise seems to be able to shift. However, they are not themselves methods for losing weight.

Which cosmetic procedure is the most effective for weight loss?

Liposuction is especially useful for eliminating fat from the legs, abdomen, back, arms, face, and neck. However, it has a more drawn-out recovery period (up to six weeks) and often costs more than other noninvasive fat removal procedures.

What procedure eliminates the most fat?

Liposuction to remove troublesome fat Liposuction is a surgery that alters body form by removing fat from a particular location. In rare circumstances, clients might anticipate a 50% to 70% fat reduction from a treated area.


Above, we provided a list of the most popular cosmetic procedures for weight loss. Please seek the advice of your aesthetic plastic surgeon for further information on what is specific to you.

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Dr Zain ul Abidin

Dr. Zain ul Abidin and his team of skilled and compassionate specialists offer superb plastic surgery services that are customised for each patient. They have received Membership awards from the most prestigious professional organizations within and outside Pakistan.